Two essential habits to fast-track your post-Caesarean recovery

“Wow, my C-section was super low key,” said no one ever. That’s because even though a C-section is a common surgery that has saved the lives of countless mums and babies (cue confetti-drenched victory parade), it’s still surgery. And that means it’s not as simple as opening and closing the zipper on your makeup bag.  […]

Four things we wish we’d been told about staying fit during pregnancy

We know firsthand that it’s totally tempting to activate sloth mode when you’re pregnant. You’re growing a baby … Isn’t that, like, enough hard work? Ha, just kidding. Everyone knows that maintaining your fitness during pregnancy is vital. (But if you’re new here and were kind of hoping for a permission slip to sloth it […]

Five weird (but normal) things that happen to your body during pregnancy

Make a baby, they said. It’ll be simple, they said. You’re a woman; it’s natural. ‘Cept, let’s be real … Some of the stuff that happens to your body during pregnancy definitely does not feel natural or normal (even if we promise it is). And if you’re doing this baby-making business for the first time, […]

These are the Pilates exercises you should avoid if you’re pregnant

Here at Body Beyond Birth, we’re allllll about helping you build a strong, healthy and physically capable body before and after birth. And our go-to BFF for doing just that will always be physiotherapy and Pilates-based exercises. (Can we hear a ‘whoop whoop!”) BUT – not all Pilates exercise are suitable for every stage of […]