Redefining your baby body

Online Pilates-based wellness programs created by an expert women’s health physical therapist.

What if there was a way to lovingly support your body through pregnancy, birth and beyond?

(Think heal pelvic floor, ab separation, C-section, build your core and tone your body)

A way to safely build your health and fitness … without sacrificing time, results (or your secret chocolate stash)?

We're Body Beyond Birth: An online
holistic Pilates studio.

Just 20-minutes a day to build your baby bod-ay

Start when you’re ready

You don’t have to wait for the next intake. We’re ready to start your Body Beyond Birth journey when you are.

No equipment required!

The only things you need to get started are an internet connection and your beautiful self.

When and where you want it

We’re on demand, gorgeous. You can connect to your program anywhere you have internet and voila – wellness at your fingertips!

We help moms and moms-to-be strengthen their pelvic floor, heal diastasis recti, and exercise safely after a C-section with full body, core strength focused Pilates workouts.

Hey girl, we're
Becky and Jackie.

Best-friends, moms, a physical therapist, certified Pilates instructor and co-founders of Body Beyond Birth, an online wellness studio for moms and moms-to-be.

We’re here for you.

At Body Beyond Birth, we blend 35 years of combined Pilates experience and Becky’s expertise as a practicing women’s health physical therapist (helping thousands of women just like you build healthy, strong bodies) with Pilates, nutritional guidance, meditation coaching and yoga instruction to offer holistic online fitness programs that are safe, easy and backed by research and expertise you can trust.

Basically, they’re everything you need to reclaim and rebuild your body beyond birth.

Read our story

Online Pregnancy Pilates Exercise programs as unique as you are.

Love exercising? More of a ‘fitness is a swear word’ kind of girl? Or maybe you feel a jolt of panic every time you sneeze, just in case your bladder leaks? We hear you.

Our programs are designed to meet you where you are, so you can build a healthy, strong and fit body no matter your circumstances or fitness levels.

So, which BBB program suits you?

by leading obstetricians

The pregnancy

Perfect if: You’re looking to stay fit, healthy and active during your pregnancy.


Perfect if: You’ve just had a baby, you’ve recently had a C-section, or you’ve got an ab separation.


Perfect if: You want to strengthen your pelvic floor, further heal your ab separation and sculpt your core with Pilates.


Perfect if: You want to complement your existing exercise and challenge yourself with mom specific advanced Pilates exercise to sculpt your body.

I am very pleased to support Body Beyond Birth, a sensible and accessible program for mothers (and maybe their obstetricians!).

"Becky and her team have developed a program that is achievable, evidence-based, safe and effective. Body Beyond Birth is an important and valuable resource for all mothers seeking to improve their physical and mental health through diet, exercise and connection with other mothers."

Dr Vijay Roach

"I am beyond blessed to not only have done the BBB program and loved it, but to have fallen in love with both Becky Dyer and Jackie Steele as well… it was wonderful to do in the comfort of my pjs with dishes left around knowing I was making small daily improvements towards a stronger core and also great for my mental attitude!”

Elka – Dual Olympian, Motivational Speaker & mother of 4

"I have done the Body Beyond Birth program several times.  Why do I keep coming back for more? I absolutely love it.  That’s why! I was first attracted to the Body Beyond Birth program because of its credentials. Becky Dyer is an experienced physical therapist. More specifically, a pelvic floor expert.  She has both the skills and the qualifications."


"When everyone was joining baby boot camps I felt I was in no shape to be even walking or getting up from sitting on the floor! I think Jackie and Becky have created not just a workout and fitness program for new moms – but a program to gain confidence in your body at a time when you feel like it’s taken away from you.”


The Pre-Bump Manual

Introducing Body Beyond Birth’s ultimate pre-pregnancy guide!

As a prequel to our online Pregnancy and Postnatal programs, we’ve written this eBook to guide new moms-to-be on how to prepare their minds, bodies and pantries for pregnancy.

Because, let’s be honest: Pregnancy isn’t all sunshine and glow!

On the blog

How to breathe for stress relief, good posture and during labor with these 3 super simple techniques

The daily trick to relax your body and mind in no time at all. Keep calm and breathe. Did you know that you already have a superpower life skill in your bag of tricks that you already do 20,000 times a day?? Yeppers, you do, and it’s called breathing. Yeah, we’ve all heard the hype […]

How to work out when you’re in lockdown

Your BBB guide to exercising from home (when you’re juggling mothering and at-home madness) There are a lot of things we love about staying home. The short commute from bed to desk? Big yes. The well-stocked fridge within walking distance? Abso-fricken-lutely. The craziness of having all your worlds combined and clashing under one roof? Ye-wait. […]

How to reverse diastasis recti – using nothing but exercise

Uh-huh – you can, and you will! It’s 1:37 am, and the baby is crying. You *want* to get out of bed quickly and feed bubs, but you just can’t – and it’s not because you’re exhausted. You just literally cannot sit up straight.  When you try, it feels like your abs are out to […]

Five fast and fun exercises you can do with baby today

Ever catch yourself thinking, “I wish I could find a few more hours in the day”? Same, girl. Same. But, barring a breakthrough in time travel (that doesn’t involve setting off a chain of events that destroys the planet), you’ve gotta work with the same 24 hours as the rest of us. And that means […]