A little love and recognition goes a very long way at Body Beyond Birth. That’s why we’re tickled to announce we’ve been nominated for the Optus My Business Awards!
At Body Beyond Birth, we move at a super fast pace. The TO DO list often stretches for miles and we live on perspiration, coffee and the belief we’re doing some good things for women everywhere.
Having said that, we also practise what we preach. Mindfulness is about taking time out to be in the present. It’s also about moments of reflection. In short, we take time out to recognize how far we have come. We do this to reduce stress, keep the fires burning and so that the joy of running Body Beyond Birth and bringing Pilates to women during pregnancy and beyond remains.
We help people with weight and body image issues. We help women recover from injury and impacts associated with pregnancy. We grow strength in cores, give back mobility in joints, help abdominal separations heal and strengthen a whole lot of pelvic floor in the process.
In short, we’re those lucky ladies that get to do what we love and believe in. It is our greatest pleasure to help so many women heal their bodies, recoup their confidence and discover a love of Pilates and fitness.
Imagine our joy then when we found that an added level of happiness had been added to our week this week. Some of you have believed in us so much that we’ve been nominated for a national awards ceremony. Namely, the prestigious Optus My Business Awards. We’ve been humbled by a nomination of Health and Wellbeing Business of the Year!
Becky and Jackie (our founders) cannot express just how much love we have for our community right now. It isn’t necessarily about the nomination itself, although admittedly it is a lovely gesture. It’s that we are doing something that you think is worthy of such an honour. That we have touched some of you in this deep and lasting way is worth all the long TO DO lists, harder days and taxing moments.
Entries closed August 25th 2017 and announcements will be made mid September regarding progress to finals. It’s highly competitive and we’re chuffed to be keeping such amazing company. We will definitely keep you updated as to our progress. But whether we make it to the finals and beyond or not, this is a moment we are definitely cherishing.
Thank you to Cathy, our web developer, for taking up where Joe left off and giving us a fresh new look for spring. Also to Laura, our social media gal, for bringing new and interesting conversations to our community. Big ups to Bek from Unashamedly Creative for her continued research for content for the blog and editing assistance. And to Vanessa for being a big part of what makes Body Beyond Birth tick on a regular basis.
But most of all, thank you to you for being the community that makes BBB what it is. Without your messages, participation, questions and now this nomination, there wouldn’t be a Body Beyond Birth to award.
Love from Jackie and Becky.