Even the best workout routines have their barriers. Getting the gym, clearing space in the diary or being with equipment can all be huge barriers.
But one of the coolest things about Body Beyond Birth is that you can take it anywhere you have an internet connection. And you don’t need to clear space for big pieces of heavy equipment. That’s why we’ve had members who have happily packed us up with them for work in other cities and in New Zealand. We’ve been to all kinds of family holidays.
Being portable and packable makes Body Beyond Birth oh so appealing to the busy mothers out there.
And in today’s member spotlight, we get to shine a light on just how portable the program is through talking to Body Beyond Birth member, Barbara.
Barbara is living and raising her family in Germany. And she’s an active member of the Body Beyond Birth program.
Here’s what Barbara has to say about Body Beyond Birth and why she thinks it provides the best workout routines online
Meet Barbara
I’m a mother of 4 year-old girl. I’m married and live with my husband and daughter in the south of Germany.
I work as a pharmacist in the pharmaceutical industry in a full time position. My husband is about to start his own business as an optician.
But even with busy lives, we love to be outdoors and enjoy every season. In summer we go hiking, bike riding or swimming. In winter we go skiing and enjoy the snow. My daughter just started skiing this winter and has lots of fun.
My Body Beyond Birth story
I used to work with Jackie in Australia. In 2013 we moved from Australia to Germany, back to my home to be close to my family.
I found out about Body Beyond Birth a few months ago. A friend introduced me to the program. When I looked into the program I felt that it really suits my needs. I can exercise whenever it suits me, the workout routines only takes about 20 minutes of my day. And I can do it outdoors or indoors (this is especially important during the German winters).
Just perfect!
My favourite Body Beyond Birth recipe
I like the salads a lot. And I love the Lactation Protein Balls. Despite the name, they are a great, healthy and yummy snack for anytime!
Favourite part of the Body Beyond Birth program and best workout routines to get the blood pumping
I enjoy Becky’s mini circuits. They are short, but really effective.
I think the Body Beyond Birth program as a whole is just great.
Favourite healthy tip
It’s great to get back into a routine of exercising. Your body feels so much better when you get moving. It’s best to combine healthy food and exercise.
It feels so natural and works well. Just the right thing to do!
Want to join one of the best workout routines around and experience the same joy as Barbara? Sign up for Body Beyond Birth today!
Want to feature your Body Beyond Birth story? Email us via hello at bodybeyondbirth.com