Meet Adele

Hi, I’m Adele.
My birth wasn’t the smoothest and I felt quite “beaten up” once I got home. I relied
heavily on my abdominal binder. I kept wearing it every day and felt I couldn’t even
walk without it. I had to take breaks when I walked to the shops or was out and about
all day, and would feel so uncomfortable about my stomach I would walk around
holding it!
A friend told me about Body Beyond Birth and I’m so glad she did.
I think Jackie and Becky have created not just a workout and fitness program for new
mums – but a program to gain confidence in your body at a time when you feel like
it’s taken away from you, they should be very proud of that!
“Body Beyond Birth definitely gave me
back my confidence after having a baby”
Before BBB
- I relied heavily on my abdominal binder. I kept wearing it every day and felt I couldn’t even walk without it.
- I wanted a safe program.
- When everyone was joining baby boot camps I felt I was in no shape to be even walking or getting up from sitting on the floor! I was still rolling to get out of bed!
- I was paranoid about this separation and the pain I would feel.
- I felt so uncomfortable about my stomach that I would walk around holiding it! I wasn’t very happy.
After BBB
- Body Beyond Birth definitely gave me back my confidence after having a baby. But, the first exercise I did was with BBB – safe in my own home with no one pressuring me or watching. And I felt great.
- People have been commenting that I am looking healthier than I did for my wedding (which I worked out hard for! I ran on the beach every day for months for that! Haha) and even jumped into a pair of jeans that were on their way out the door as I never thought they would fit me.
- I enjoyed the BBB videos, stretches and yoga - it gave me the confidence back bit by bit to get moving.
Online Pilates program as unique as you are.
Love exercising? More of a ‘fitness is a swear word’ kind of girl? Or maybe you feel a
jolt of panic every time you sneeze, just in case your bladder leaks? We hear you.
Our programs are designed to meet you where you are, so you can build a healthy,
strong and fit body no matter your circumstances or fitness levels.
So, which BBB program suits you

Online Pilates program endorsed
by leading Obstetricians

The pregnancy
Perfect if: You’re looking to stay fit, healthy and active during your pregnancy.

Perfect if: You’re allergic to exercise but are ready to get fit and strong post-baby.

Perfect if: You need a wee (pun intended) bit of help to rebuild and recover post-baby.

Perfect if: You want to complement your existing exercise with mum-specific exercises.