Meet Dale

My name is Dale and I have done the Level 3 Body Beyond Birth program several times. Why do I keep coming back for more? I absolutely love it. That’s why!
I was first attracted to the Body Beyond Birth program because of its credentials. Becky Dyer is an experienced physiotherapist. More specifically, a pelvic floor specialist. She has both the skills and the qualifications. I was aware of her private practice in physiotherapy before hearing about Body Beyond Birth.
I was impressed that I was able to follow a Pilates program run by Becky in the comfort of my own living room at any time that suited me. I signed up to the Body Beyond Birth program 6 weeks after the birth of my 3 rd child.
Having given birth so recently, the first month or so was a real struggle, but I was amazed at how strong I became in just 12 weeks.
Body Beyond Birth gave me so much more than I bargained for.
Once logged on, I explored the various sections of the website and was super excited to discover that my old yoga teacher, Zoe, from a gym I had left a few years earlier, was also right there in my living room with her incredible yoga sessions for me to follow at any time! To say this was an exciting bonus is an understatement. I love Zoe’s yoga.
Thank you, Body Beyond Birth for bringing her to me.
BBB Co-founder Jackie has always been wonderfully warm and supportive throughout my entire Body Beyond Birth experience. Whenever I have questions, feedback, technical issues and more, she has been there to assist. She has made me feel part of the BBB community.
In addition to having wonderfully experienced, highly qualified, strong women running the program, I discovered a new enthusiasm in the kitchen with some of the Body Beyond Birth recipes.
The Haloumi, Quinoa and Pomegranate Salad became my favourite– it’s so good I served it up at Christmas lunch. The Chicken Salad with Tarragon is also delicious. How have I survived so long without this delicious herb in my life?!
My passion for creating interesting salads has been reignited. Once again, thank you Body Beyond Birth.
“The Body Beyond Birth program makes you strong, and you notice the difference in how you feel, and your energy levels and your abilities.”
Before BBB
- My youngest child is now 2 ½ so I recently took a break from Body Beyond Birth and joined a local gym with a crèche. While this is working out very well, it’s days like today that I realise the benefits of the Body Beyond Birth program over the local gym.
- Although I was managing to attend the gym 3 times a week, I haven’t been for almost 2 weeks now. My son is home sick today, so I can’t go. My daughter was sick last Friday, so I couldn’t go. My chronic neck injury had flared earlier last week and with body pump class the only option on that day. Again, I couldn’t go to the gym. I’m sure you know the feeling.
- As a mother of 3 kids, I can attest there are so many hurdles each week that might prevent mothers from looking after themselves. I am desperate to do some Pilates or yoga today but, just like the last 2 weeks, I can’t get to the gym.
- So, guess what? I’m joining the Body Beyond Birth program again today. I’ll get my Pilates fix by the end of today thanks to BBB and will be feeling so much better.
After BBB
- The Body Beyond Birth program makes you strong, and you notice the difference in how you feel, and your energy levels and your abilities. Some of those sessions are very challenging.
- The convenience of having the sessions available at home on the laptop to fit in around sleep times, school pickups etc. makes such a difference to being able to fit exercise into my day.
- It’s also particularly handy on holidays. I can access Pilates or yoga on the iPad before the kids wake up. With the sound of waves in the background certainly was a nice way to start my day on holidays when, let’s face it, family holidays are not purely holidays for the Mums.
Online Pilates program as unique as you are.
Love exercising? More of a ‘fitness is a swear word’ kind of girl? Or maybe you feel a
jolt of panic every time you sneeze, just in case your bladder leaks? We hear you.
Our programs are designed to meet you where you are, so you can build a healthy,
strong and fit body no matter your circumstances or fitness levels.
So, which BBB program suits you

Online Pilates program endorsed
by leading Obstetricians

The pregnancy
Perfect if: You’re looking to stay fit, healthy and active during your pregnancy.

Perfect if: You’re allergic to exercise but are ready to get fit and strong post-baby.

Perfect if: You need a wee (pun intended) bit of help to rebuild and recover post-baby.

Perfect if: You want to complement your existing exercise with mum-specific exercises.