We aren’t your usual workout online. Nor are we competing with the standard Pilates videos. We know that tailoring our experience to that of the post pregnancy woman is of great benefit. And we’re proud to say we can see that in action with our latest member spotlight, Nicky.
For Nicky, Body Beyond Birth was about reclaiming not only her fitness, but a little power as well. With the ability to workout online in a supportive and gentle way for a body that hadn’t had the easiest of pregnancy rides, Nicky found something awesome in BBB.
This is why Body Beyond Birth worked for Nicky
About me:

Hi, I’m Nicky. I’m wife to my British hubby and mummy to 3 boys aged 6, 3 and 4 months. I live in Sydney, Australia, and am currently on maternity leave from my job in disability. I’m also a photographer and love to capture everyday moments of families so they have them to look back on in years to come. This is my story as to why I workout online with Body Beyond Birth.
My Body Beyond Birth story:
I gave birth to my third boy in December 2015.
I don’t have the easiest pregnancies – having hyperemesis, pelvic pain, and severe reflux- to name but a few of my pregnancy challenges. When I am pregnant, I am pretty much in “survival” mode the whole time.
With the most recent pregnancy, I didn’t exercise at all. Being our last baby, I’d told myself I needed to put the energy into trying to get back in shape (and into a healthier lifestyle) once bub was born.
The theory doesn’t always match the practical when it comes to time management and newborns. I think anyone with a newborn knows how hard it is to get the time, energy, and motivation to exercise. Add to that I had 2 other boys who needed me, including school related activities. So I was busy, busy, and busy!
But I adopted a no excuses attitude. I joined the Body Beyond Birth 12 week program when I was 9 weeks postnatal after receiving the all clear from my OBGYN.
I chose the level 1 program as I had recently had a caesarean and also had abdominal separation.
Over the past 12 weeks I’ve followed the program, completing the online workout plans in the comfort of my own home.
I’ve completely changed my nutrition and can honestly say I am now eating the healthiest I have in many years.
And I’ve noticed changes in my body. I have also had many people comment as well, which is super nice! I can fit into clothes I couldn’t even consider before my pregnancy. And have gotten a bit of “me” back.
Favourite Body Beyond Birth recipe:
The easy flip pancakes with chocolate drizzle are definitely a favourite for me- as well as my 3 year old!
Favourite piece of Body Beyond Birth advice:
The reminder to switch on my core with every exercise completed has benefitted me the most. Now I automatically think of my core for everyday things like lifting the baby capsule in and out of the car or picking up my 3 year old.
I don’t love the plank exercise. But I did find it amazing how much stronger I felt doing it at the end of the 12 weeks of the program!
Favourite healthy tip:

This program goes beyond a workout online. All the nutritional advice has completely changed how I eat and view mealtimes. I’m now eating healthier, cleaner foods and portion sizes are much more appropriate.
I love that it’s not a diet, but more a lifestyle change. I feel this is much more sustainable for me. I also feel that I’m now leading a much better example for my boys in having a healthy lifestyle now and in the future. They love joining me when I do the online Pilates sessions. And I’ve become much more active with them, which benefits all of us.
More than a workout online, BBB is a lifestyle
Hearing from members like Nicky makes us incredibly happy. Being able to give not just fitness but also confidence and direction to mothers is what BBB strives to do.
Want to find out more about Body Beyond Birth and join women like Nicky who are choosing to put their health first for the benefit of their families?